103 honours and several decades of experience

CEWE once again organised its traditional anniversary celebration this year to honour the commitment and loyalty of its employees. A total of 103 employees were honoured for 2,200 years of service. Musical entertainment was provided by the dedicated company choir.

Together with Managing Director Andreas Kluge, CEO Yvonne Rostock congratulated the employees personally at the ceremony. She emphasised how important the interaction between employees of different ages is: ‘Our company structure is largely shaped by knowledge and values that are passed on from generation to generation. The younger employees benefit significantly from the wealth of experience of the older ones, build on it and develop it further. This is an important driver for our growth and our innovation process.’

With 45 years at CEWE, Christa Chaluppa is one of the longest-serving employees. She started at CEWE in 1979 in the analogue department and still works in the department now known as Print Preparation. Thanks to her many years of experience, she is an absolute specialist, which is why she masters her work in the darkroom with a great deal of feeling and knowledge.  ‘I've always enjoyed the work. On the one hand, it's varied, and on the other, I always got on really well with my colleagues,’ Christa Chaluppa recalls.

As a small thank you and a special highlight this year, the jubilarians received an anniversary box designed by CEWE itself. It was specially made for the celebration and contained various surprises.

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Fotocredit: CEWE