We have always been a reliable and crisis-proof partner for our suppliers. Click here to find out about your contact partners, purchasing conditions and our code of conduct.
Central Purchasing
Our central purchasing department does not only represent pricing-oriented procurement, it is also responsible for ensuring top quality on a sustainable basis. A careful selection of raw materials in purchasing is also an important aspect for safeguarding our products’ sustainable value chains.
We continuously intensify our cooperation through ongoing improvement of operational and strategic planning. We need adequate and top-performing partners to be able to expand our leading position with regard to quality, processes and innovation: This is why we are committed to a further optimisation of our supplier portfolio.

Code of Conduct (BME)
CEWE signed up to the Code of Conduct of the BME (German Association for Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics e.V.) at the start of 2010. Well-known corporations from various industries are already involved in this compliance initiative.
In addition to addressing ethical issues, the code of conduct provides for reliable and feasible minimum standards.
The BME Code of Conduct covers fundamental rules and principles in the following areas:
- Fighting corruption
- Agreements in violation of antitrust laws
- Child and forced labour
- Compliance with ethical principles towards suppliers
- Observance of human rights
- Environmental and health protection
More information about the BME Code of Conduct is available here. You can find the current BME certificate here.
To find out about CEWE’s specific code of conduct, please visit our compliance section.
Purchasing Conditions
If you are not familiar with our “General Terms and Conditions” or our “Terms of Delivery”, you can view and download them here.
Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen (PDF)
General Terms and Conditions (PDF)
Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen für Maschinen und Technisches Equipment (PDF)
General Terms and Conditions for Machinery and Technical Equipment (PDF)
Anlieferungsvorschriften (PDF)
Terms of Delivery (PDF)
If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Your contacts for the area of purchasing are:
Alf Meyer
Senior Vice President Corporate Purchasing & Material Management
E-mail: Alf.Meyer@cewe-group.com
Jan Thalheim
Head of Corporate Purchasing
E-Mail: Jan.Thalheim@cewe-group.com